Your Guardian Angel (The Guardian Angel Series Book 1) Page 7
“Why was she there at my… thing?”
“She gave her blood. Without goddess blood, you could never be transformed back. She’s the only student at the school who knows what you were… it should make things easier for you when you make the transition.”
I faded off in thought. Do they honestly expect me to just go to a new school and continue on with my life, forgetting about my family in Bridgewater? Being a goddess was something I wanted, but after everything that had happened, I just wanted to be alone and take a moment to get used to everything.
We sauntered through natural avenues of trees; it was shady and cool against my skin. I couldn’t help but gape at the beauty of the world, everything seemed so much brighter, more alive. Moments later, we reached a clearing. It was so beautiful; lush grass covered the floor of the open space. A lake had carved its way through the middle of the clearing, and as we stepped out into the sun, the air grew warmer, the sounds of insects became almost too loud and the sun bounced off the deep blue-green surface of the lake.
I spotted, not too far away, a waterfall cascading down through a medium pile of boulders in the lake. Words like trickle or small came to mind when I looked at it. Still, it was beautiful, peaceful, and it streamed effortlessly between the mossy rocks.
Mila and Tay already had the blanket laid down and they began setting out the picnic basket.
“Oh gosh!” Mila announced. “I forgot the knives and forks.”
“I can go back and get them,” I offered.
“We,” corrected Eli.
Of course, a young goddess couldn’t possibly walk three minutes back to the cabin to get some cutlery alone. Having a guardian angel was going to be so much fun. Not.
“No, no don't be silly, you relax. I'll go, Tay you’re going to have to come, uncle's rule and all,” she said.
“Uncle's rule?” I asked.
“When my uncle isn't here, Tay has to follow me everywhere. It’s annoying but—”
“Necessary,” Tay interrupted.
Tay and Mila set off back towards the house and I strolled over to the water and dangled my feet over the edge. The sun kissed my skin and the warm feeling made me happy, less stressed. I could smell it all, flowers, bark, moss and the grass. As a vampire, you can smell a lot of things, but you never appreciate the beauty of it, the only smells you care about are blood and sweat, things that shouldn’t matter.
A plopping sound filled my ears as a fish broke the surface of the water and splashed back down, causing ripples to widen out. Following that, I heard pebbles crunch and the grass move under heavy feet as Eli sat down next to me.
“Now that I'm a goddess again, can I control this water?” I asked.
A dragonfly caught my attention, landing on a cattail nearby.
“I… I don't know,” he muttered, spotting the dragonfly as well. “You can try.”
I wanted to try, I wanted more than anything to be able to move the water with my magic but I was afraid. I didn’t want to be disappointed; what if all this was for nothing and my magic was damaged or worse… gone?
“If I can't use my elemental magic, can you teach me how to fight?” I kept my eyes on the water, however it would have been interesting to see his reaction.
“Goddesses aren't meant to fight.”
“Goddesses aren't meant to be vampires, either.”
“No, but you didn’t have a choice in that.”
I plucked a small yellow flower from the ground and crushed it between my fingers and my palm.
“My mother told me that when a goddess's body recognizes the magic, her insides feel warm,” I explained to Eli.
I opened my palm and let the flower roll down into the middle of it. I closed my eyes and thought of my mother; nothing happened. I focused on the earth and all living things that inhabit it. The trees, animals, humans; I thought about the different smells and then it began. A warm sensation started in my chest and sent a tingling sensation throughout my body. The warm feeling travelled throughout my body, coming to a stop in the palm of my hand. I opened my eyes and the flower had healed. I looked at Eli; he was looking at me with the same awe and affection I had seen earlier. I extended my hand and gave him the flower; he took it and then leaned toward me. For the first time in a very long time, I felt my cheeks flush with self-consciousness. Our faces now only inches apart, he put the flower in my hair, above my ear.
“You did it.”
We were gazing into each other’s eyes with such passion and understanding; I felt as if he could make everything better. At this very moment he was filling whatever hole I had in my heart and whatever piece was missing from my soul.
“Where are you going?” I asked as Eli rose to his feet.
He didn’t reply; he kept on walking, disappearing into the forest, leaving me staring after him wondering what had just happened between us.
Daydreaming by a lake wasn’t how I imagined spending my first day as a goddess, but I’m not going to complain, either.
“How are you?” Mila asked as she sat down next to me, pulling me from my own thoughts.
“I'm good.”
“You must be nervous?”
“School in two days.”
“Two days?”
“No one told you?” Mila's innocent smile faded.
I stood up and stormed over to Eli, who was engaged in a conversation with Tay. I thought about yelling at him and Tay, but I didn't want to talk to anyone right now, so instead, I stormed right past them.
“Ruby?” Tay called.
I picked up my pace, hoping to make it back to the house before everyone else had time to gather up the stuff and come after me. I turned instantly when I heard sticks and dry leaves crunching behind me. I knew it was Eli. Tay can’t leave Mila’s sight when her uncle isn’t there.
“When were you going to tell me?” I snapped.
I wasn’t angry, was I? I don’t know. My emotions were all over the place. How could they be so insensitive to my changes, to my feelings?
“When I thought you were ready.”
“I can’t do this.” I pleaded.
“You were against all odds Ruby, you were a vampire! Starting at a new school is nothing. You can do it; you can do anything.”
I dropped my eyes and fiddled with my fingers nervously. “I don’t think I can.”
Eli took a step toward me. He ran his index finger along my jaw line and under my chin, tilting my face towards him. I tried not to gasp at the electricity that tickled my skin.
“Trust me, you can.”
Tay and Mila emerged behind Eli as he brought his hand back to his side.
“Ruby, I'm sorry I didn't know—”
“That's okay; it’s not your fault,” I interrupted.
“So… no picnic?” Judging by her tone, she already knew the answer.
“I just want to rest.”
On the way home I ate an apple — I was enjoying it way too much. The apple was delicious; it was so fruity and fresh. I loved the way it crunched between my teeth and oozed a tasty liquid. It was strange having to eat actual food. I kept forgetting that I actually needed to chew it.
When we arrived home, I climbed into bed. Being outside in the sun and all the other drama that went on was physically draining. When I awoke, I was feeling refreshed and happy. It was the first time in a long time that I had fallen to sleep voluntarily, if at all. I suppose that’s another thing I have to get used to, sleeping.
“Where is everyone?” I asked Eli, who was sitting on the couch reading.
I noticed the sun was disappearing behind the trees. For a year I have watched the sunrise and the sunset but it seemed so much more beautiful this time.
“Tay took Mila back to her home. Then he has a few errands to run,” he explained, not looking up from his book.
I got a bit excited that it was going to be Eli and I alone tonight. It would have been ideal if he wasn't six years older than me or my guardian an
gel. It would have been ideal if he wasn't an angel at all, considering it’s 'forbidden.' Not that I was going to do anything anyway, but Eli was hands down the most attractive man I had ever seen. I couldn’t help but to crush on him slightly after everything he’d done for me. I see him as my hero and I hate myself for sounding so cheesy.
“What are you thinking about?” His eyes were resting on my face and I realized I was staring at him; how awkward.
“Who? Me?” I stammered.
The corner of his lip twitched as I wracked my brain, trying to come up with something quickly.
“I was just wondering if you could show me some defense moves,” I lied.
Oops. There goes my hormones talking for themselves and thinking up an activity that involved a lot of contact.
“I don't think that’s a good idea.”
“Why? Should I ask Tay? Mila said he was a better fighter than you,” I lied.
Eli lifted his eyes from his book. He didn't even look the slightest bit offended. In fact, his eyes were alight with something wicked.
“Mila doesn't know what she’s talking about.”
I shrugged.
“I'll teach you a basic move, but that's all.”
I knew his male competitive side couldn’t give that challenge up. I raced to the bathroom and threw on tracksuit pants and a tank top.
“Okay, I'm ready.”
“It’s one move; you didn't have to get changed.”
“I was in a dress.”
“Oh, right.”
I walked over to Eli, standing about a meter away. He took off his black jumper and was now in a black tank top. I adjusted my shirt, feeling a little flustered at his physique. I observed his upper body; it was so strong and muscular. Eli began explaining and demonstrating various pinning and throwing moves to me. Of course, this involved a lot of touching, but I really didn't mind.
“Okay, run at me,” Eli announced.
“Run at me. I’m going to pin you and you’re going to stop it.”
“I can't do that. I have only been doing this for minutes you have been doing this your whole life,” I explained.
“No harm in trying.” He smiled.
I ran at him front on. He grabbed me by the wrist, twirled me, and pinned my back to his chest. We paused at the feel of each other’s skin. At least I wasn’t the only one feeling the electric current between us. His firm grasp sent good shivers down my spine.
“Again,” he called, realizing his grip.
I ran at him again, same thing happened.
After my fourth try, he grabbed my wrist and as he proceeded to spin me, I kicked his leg, hoping that it would come out from underneath him. It didn’t, obviously, he was too large and I wasn’t strong enough. He pinned me against him once again, releasing me seconds later. A proud smile spread across his face and I smiled back. Eli was breathing at a normal pace and not a single drop of sweat touched his skin. I was breathing heavily and fast and I felt sticky with sweat. I sat down on the floor and he joined me.
“Well done.”
I noticed the sun was down and the moon was up and glowing. When the sun went down, Eli became more 'aware.' He was constantly standing and checking windows and doors. It bothers me a lot now that I'm a goddess, something they’re hunting specifically.
“I’m going to have a shower,” I said, taking Eli’s attention away from the darkness outside and he nodded in response.
When I came out, Tay was here and they both wore hard expressions.
“We need to go now,” Eli said, calmly. The way he said it made my skin crawl and I tried not to panic.
“What's wrong?” I asked.
“Hank is here.”
Near Miss
Eli and I tore off into the bush, oblivious to the spider webs and other creepy things that scuttled beneath our feet. Stray twigs and branches snagged strands of hair from my no-longer-tight ponytail. Eli was a lot faster than me but he kept a firm grip on my arm, forcing me to keep up. It would have been easier if I hadn’t chosen to wear a short emerald green dress made from silk, and a pair of white flats on my feet, but Eli and Tay rushed me. I had no time to change, gather any of my newly acquired things, or say goodbye to my mother’s house.
“Where's Tay?” I puffed.
“Keeping far guard,” he said, without sounding out of breath.
I had no idea what that meant. As I ran, sticks scratched my legs. The adrenaline that pumped through me kept me going. The sheer fear I felt deep inside me prevented me from curling up into a ball and crying. I could see the lights from the school in the distance and relief flooded my chest until two ice cold hands grabbed me, pulling me from Eli's grasp. If I wasn't already scared enough, I was now in the arms of a vampire. I shivered as his cold skin touched mine. A cold sweat ran down my forehead. Not sweat from all the running I had done, it was from the anxiety. My heart pounded like a drum. I stared at Eli, my eyes never leaving his face.
“Let her go,” Eli growled.
“Fat chance of that happening, pretty boy; Hank wants her,” snarled the vampire.
The cold monster holding me wasn’t Hank, but his voice was just as hollow and dark. I shuddered again at the thought of my voice sounding so evil. I watched as Eli stood in attack mode, he was crouched down low, like a tiger ready to pounce, analyzing his next move. He never took his eyes off the vampire. If Eli didn't already look sexy enough, this really tipped it over the top. He was so fierce and powerful.
“He can't have her.”
The vampire let out an extremely loud snarl that turned into a squeal as he disintegrated into dust. I turned around fast to see what happened and there stood Tay with a stake in his hand, centimeters away from my stomach. I stared, wide eyed.
“I have never been happier to see your face,” I announced.
“We need to keep moving,” Eli urged, taking my hand in his.
Tay disappeared into the forest again and Eli and I continued running. Every step we ran brought us closer to the school.
“Stop.” We both came to a halt.
“What's wrong?” I trembled.
He didn't need to say anything. We were surrounded by vampires, at least twelve of them, and they were closing in on us.
“Ruby, at last,” said a voice in the distance. His voice floated through me like a ghost from my not so far away past. I cringed at the sound of the empty voice that spoke my name.
“H-hank,” I stuttered. It had been so long since I had even spoken his name.
“You remember me.” I could hear the smile play upon his lips.
His statement made my mind reel back to the night he ruined my life. I closed my eyes for a split second, trying not to panic or cry. When I opened them, he was leaning in and breathing on my face. I forgot how fast vampires move. I analyzed his face. If it weren't for his deep black eyes and beyond deathly pale skin, he looked exactly like his old self. I cringed at the thought of how many pure beings had to die in order for him to become this, my mother included.
“What do you want?” I hesitated.
“You, of course.”
“Over my dead body,” Eli snarled.
“That’s the plan; I’ll kill you exactly how they killed your father, slow and painful.”
I felt Eli tense up next to me and anger surged throughout my body.
“You can try, but I guarantee he’ll kill you first.” Even I was shocked at the words that shot out of my mouth.
Hank was grinning from ear to ear now as he let out a chuckle. “Oh, so fierce — just like your mother, and where is she now?”
I took a step towards Hank but Eli squeezed my hand and pulled me back. The vampires that circled us laughed at my attempt to take Hank on myself. I eagerly searched the surrounding bushes for Tay, but it was too dark. I had come this far, I wasn’t going down without a fight. I noticed the vines running up the trees that surrounded us. I dropped my head to the ground and clo
sed my eyes.
“Why are you here?” Eli asked.
He must have noticed what I was trying to do. He knew exactly why they were here; he just needed to buy me time. I began picturing the vines in my head, the familiar warm sensation was building in my chest and began to course rapidly through my body.
“I thought it was obvious by now. I want your precious goddess.”
I opened my eyes and snaked them around and in between the vampire’s legs. I clenched my fists and the vine tightened, forcing all the feet of the vampires that circled us to stay on the ground. They all shouted and stomped their feet but couldn't break free. Hank was distracted momentarily but turned to me when he realized what was happening. I thought Hank would be furious but he smiled a fang-filled smile.
“Well, well, well.”
Eli took his chance and lunged at Hank. They were locked in battle. I wasn’t sure what to do; I couldn’t fight a vampire and I surely wasn’t going to run and leave Eli here alone. I didn’t have to wonder which decision to make for long. Tay appeared and staked his way round the circle. Soon all the surrounding vampires were dead, except Hank. Eli and Hank were still fighting. They were both so fast; granted Hank was faster, but Eli wasn't making it easy for him. If anyone could take on an incredibly strong vampire it would be Eli.
“Get her out of here!” Eli demanded, whilst ducking punches.
Tay grabbed my arm but I shook him off.
“No, we can't leave him!” I protested.
Hank turned and ran at me; he clearly didn't want to miss his chance. After this I would be under the school’s protection. Tay jumped in front of me, blocking Hank’s path. I watched in fear and anticipation. Suddenly something hard hit me from behind. The pain in my head was sharp but it only lasted a second; blackness swallowed me and I was out for the count.
I opened my eyes and glanced around a large room. The Gothic styling made me nervous. The ceilings were high, the walls were stone, and the carpet was bright red.
“You're awake!” called Mila.
She came rushing over to the bed. I was actually really happy to see her; it confirmed that I wasn't being held captive by vampires.