Always Consumed Read online

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“I don’t even know what that means, exactly. Do I think we’re stuck? Yes. Do I think we need to pull ourselves out of this funk? Yes. Our spark is dimming, but I don’t think we’re stuck in a rut.” She rakes her teeth over her bottom lip. “We need to do this on Valentine’s Day, Seth. We need to have fun and bring the spark back…I need it.”

  I soak in her words, ignoring the strange feeling of my over-saturated feet. Meeting for the first time all over again scares the shit out of me. I could never impress the woman standing before me now that she knows who I am. I could never sweep her off her feet like I did the first time…I got her because I was exciting—uncharted territory. She was on the rebound, and I was the one thing she didn’t want but couldn’t stay away from. I got her because of my lifestyle and my dedication…

  I got her because of her father…

  I don’t have any of those things anymore.

  Despite my worries, I nod and she beams widely. If being someone else gives her what she wants, then I’ll do it.

  I’ll do anything.



  He nods, but there’s an uncertainty in the depths of his eyes. I don’t expect him to be comfortable with the idea. There’s no doubt he’s turning this around on himself in his head. Somehow, he’ll link it back to Vegas and what he did. I don’t know how many times I have to explain it to him. Vegas sucked for the both of us. The situation we were in put a lot of strain on our relationship, but Seth pulled us out of it. According to the contract the MMAC’s lawyers drew up, he’s not allowed to fight or coach anyone training to be in the MMAC. He threw away his dreams and his livelihood for me—for us. That shows me more than any silly kiss or hurtful words ever could. I always tell him actors with wives kiss different women all the time and it’s not scandalous because that’s all it is, an act. Was the kiss he and Selena shared not the same? What’s in a kiss that doesn’t make you feel like stars are shooting out of your feet, anyway? If it made him feel something, then it’d be a different story. I wasn’t betrayed. My feelings were hurt only because of the secret, not the act itself.

  “Valentine’s Day will be unforgettable,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I promise.”

  He leans in until our foreheads are flush against each other.

  “After everything I’ve done and everything I continue to do to you…do you love me less?” he asks, avoiding my eyes while one of his hands move to circle my belly button.

  I shake my head. “More,” I tell him, reaching up to rake my fingers through the front of his dark hair. “Always more. Never less.”

  Abruptly, he swallows the distance and claims my mouth with his, igniting a tiny spark in my chest. I pull away and inhale as it flickers down my spine, threatening to burst into flames when it reaches the bottom.

  “Do you feel it?” I ask, brushing my lips against his. “The spark?”

  His lips quirk at the corners. “I’m way past the point of sparking, baby. My body is on fire.”

  Seth leans in and I shiver as his rough cheek glides against mine. Every hair sends a jolt of electricity into my pores, lighting me up for the first time in a long time. My blood burns—no—boils and my skin erupts with goosebumps as he licks a particular spot under my earlobe. My knees wobble and threaten to give out, but his strong hands grip my thighs and tug me upwards. Throwing my arms around his neck, I wrap my thighs around his waist and tilt my head to the side, giving him more flesh to lick, suck, and bite. His movements are reminiscent of the time we spent in the shower at his home on Promenade Way—a lifetime ago now.

  Against my inner thigh, I feel him hard and ready. I’ve wanted it for so long I almost forgot what it felt like to have the most intimate parts of his body against mine…like a rock hard cucumber covered in fine silk. I could come up with something a little more ‘erotically appealing’ than that, but I’m too turned on to really put in any effort. Everything sounds sexy when I’m so painfully aroused. I force myself from my own head as Seth wraps one hand around my waist, the other supporting my ass. I grunt as my back finds the tiles with a slap and, with one swift thrust he’s deep inside me, filling me completely.

  “Oh, fuck…”

  The first jolt of pleasure as he stretches me for the first time in weeks seizes my spine and my entire body stiffens at the feeling.

  His mouth secures itself over mine, his tongue invading me like it owns the space. My head spins, my body hums and my lungs cease to breathe as he pumps into me, stroking me deeply.

  “So good. So fucking tight,” he groans, his voice husky and heavy.

  I’m not going to lie. Hearing words like that after giving birth to a baby works like fucking magic. I’m about ready to explode. He grips my hips hard, so hard I’m almost certain it’ll bruise, but I don’t care. Right now, all I care about is being thoroughly fucked by my husband and taking solace in the fact he still wants it as much as I do.

  Seth dips his tongue into my mouth once more before pulling back to look me in the eyes. My lips part as my stare meets his. Desire flares passionately in his irises and I know it’s mirrored by my own. His lips curl with the beginnings of the smirk I love so much before he locks his mouth against mine and kisses me so hard I become dizzy. Unable to take it anymore, I lock my legs around his waist and moan against his lips as he hits me hard, deep, and at the right angle. In every organ, every cell, and every muscle, my climax builds.


  Desperately, I grasp Seth’s shoulders, his back, and his hair, anything that’ll force him harder, faster, and deeper into me. I feel it then, lighting up my body like the fourth of July. I sink my teeth into my lip and groan as my orgasm builds to maximum point. It can only be described as a single sun that soon after explodes into a billion tiny stars. I cry out, unable to keep my teeth in my lip as I’m tossed into the abyss of ecstasy. I’m unable to stop it. It hits me like a train and keeps going. All of my built up tension and sexual frustration is forced out of my body, leaving me feeling like me again. Trembling, I dig my nails into the skin of Seth’s shoulders, making him hiss. My orgasm barely begins to wind down as he shudders and grinds forcefully into me.

  “Oh, fucking hell, O.”

  Gritting his teeth, his own orgasm claims him. A few moments later his movements slow, but don’t completely stop as we each come down from our high. I look at Seth and giggle. I like seeing him like this—the way he’s gazing down at me through heavy, lust-laden lids. The way his jaw is slack and muscles are tight. It’s beautiful. He is beautiful and what we just did was perfect.

  Chapter Five


  (Valentine’s Day)

  My fingers tremble as I raise the last diamond studded pin and push it into my hair. I turn my head to the side and admire my up-do. Selena suggested I pin back the top and let the lower sections cascade over my shoulders. She claimed the hairstyle would match my black tube dress and she was right. I smooth my hands over the soft fabric covering my breasts and onto the thin, black lace cut out that curves inwards, toward my belly button. I chose the design specifically for a future anniversary dinner and hid it in the back of my closet. I think a Valentine’s Day dinner like this one is worthy of such a dress. It makes me look curvy and I like it. I turn and peer at my backside from over my shoulder. Though short, the dress covers my ass perfectly and doesn’t threaten to show it if I bend over.

  The house is empty. I can’t remember the last time I heard it so quiet. Mom left with Chloe two hours ago and Seth took his stuff to work this morning so he could get dressed after he closes it up. I asked Selena to help me with my hair and makeup, but she had a busy day riding elephants and eating chocolate-dipped strawberries. She said she didn’t want to put pants on and come all the way out to help me because she and Jackson had plans to snuggle on the couch and watch movies. Fair enough, I suppose. It’s Valentine’s Day for them too.

  So, in true Olivia style, I decided on a face of natural makeup. No dark, smoky eyes, no b
right red lips, just some foundation, a little bit of eyeliner, and a few brushes of mascara.

  I face the mirror front on and peer into the little makeup basket I have perched on the bathroom sink. From it, I pluck a small tube of lip gloss and smear it over my lips. Where lipstick is absent, lip gloss is a killer replacement. Under the bright bathroom light, my lips shine like glass and taste like apple.

  On the opposite side of the basin, my phone vibrates and my screen lights up, alerting me of a text message. I smile when I see Seth’s name. He’s not supposed to be contacting me, we’re strangers after all, but I let it slide. I want confirmation that he’s at the restaurant. Putting my lip gloss back, I reach for my phone and read the text.

  Name: SETH Time: 8:15

  I’m here. I feel awkward.

  I snort and turn from the bathroom. On my bed, I reach for the black purse I laid out earlier and slip my phone inside. Heading for the door, I drag in a nervous inhale and expel it quickly. The last time I felt this nervous about meeting with Seth was the first night he took me out to dinner. I remember it clearly. I didn’t have high hopes going into it considering he took me to Salsa’s—the place my ex-boyfriend, Blade, stood me up a few nights earlier.

  “You brought me to dinner, but we can’t talk about you?”

  He shakes his head. “I brought you to dinner to apologize and to give you a heads up. That’s all.”

  I press the fork into my finger to relieve some of my anger. God! Why is this man so difficult?

  “Well, message received.” I drop the fork, grab my clutch, and rise to my feet, but before I leave I turn to him. “I don’t need a guy like you in my life.”

  “A guy like me?”

  “Yes. I’ve already had someone that sleeps with everything that moves and quite frankly, I don’t think I can stomach another. You can take your dinner, your apology, and your heads up, and you can shove them up your ass because I don’t want you. I don’t want you now, and I won’t want you next week. I hate myself for even thinking that I can have a little bit of fun after breaking up with my boyfriend of six years.”

  I storm from the restaurant and through the parking lot. I’ll walk home.


  My smile widens. It’s amazing to look back and know that somewhere along the line Seth and I fell in love when I claimed I couldn’t stand him. What blossomed out of lust and frustration turned into something I can’t picture my life without.

  When I float back into my own head, I find myself making my way through the kitchen with heels on my feet. As I strut down the hall towards the front door, the ball of nervousness in my stomach begins to transform into excitement. There’s no telling how this date will end and the thought sends thrilling jolts of heat to the tips of my toes.

  I suck in a heavy inhale and expel it dramatically.

  I can do this.


  I hand the taxi driver his money and slip out of the cab. My lips twitch when I hear the sound of my heels click against the concrete. I don’t know why, but I’ve always liked the sound of my heels as they click against pavement. It makes me feel like I have a purpose, like I’m important. It’s kind of silly, really.

  The warm night air blows up my exposed legs and over my bare arms, smoothing out the goosebumps caused by the chilly taxi. You’d think he’d turn it down when I commented how cold it was or when my teeth started to chatter, but no. All I got was an annoyed glance in the mirror, like I was the inconvenience. Late irritation pricks at me, but I squash it. I won’t let it ruin my night.

  I hold my breath as I take in the gold trimmings of the gorgeous restaurant. I had Seth pick out the destination of our little rendezvous which, coincidently, is the name of the establishment. Hilarious. The lengths he’ll go to just to tease me are endless. He’s lucky it’s so breathtaking, or I’d have him book somewhere else.

  I flatten the palms of my hands over my dress again and suck in my stomach. I clench the strap of my purse and pull my shoulders back, pushing my chest out. Even though this is my plan, I didn’t figure out my alias until I showered earlier. I decided to go with the name Clara. I approach the steps and grip the cool, gold railing. The click of my shoes disappears as I step onto the royal red carpet. As of now, I’m a successful business women, one who founded Vanity Fair magazine. I live at the very top of a tall skyscraper in Paris and I’m in Portland on a confidential business trip. I’d describe my character as cold and confident, and I only came to the Rendezvous to satisfy my sexual needs. Perhaps the character Seth wants to portray is the same or maybe he decided to go with the French soccer player after all.

  Once I pass the reception, I scan the room. The enormous Swarovski crystal chandelier reflects off the shiny chrome surfaces beneath it and the sound of silver cutlery casually connecting with porcelain fills my ears, making my heart race into my throat. I watch various waiters and waitresses dance elegantly around the tables with trays of food or bottles of wine in their hands. It’s mesmerizing to watch, looking more like a performance than a simple job from where I’m standing.

  I stroll past the bar and am immediately overwhelmed by the sheer size of the restaurant. What I could see from the reception area was just a small snippet of what it really is—a sea of people stuffing their faces, flirting, and drinking booze. As I walk, I open my purse and fish for my cell. I barely glance at the screen before I slam into a hard body with a grunt. I cringe as my phone bounces twice on the glossy tiles beneath my feet and sigh a breath of relief as it lands on its back. Surprisingly, the screen remains crack free.

  “Sorry,” I say to the man without a glance in his direction as I bend to pick up my cell.

  I don’t think much of the situation until he clears his throat, freezing me on the spot. As my fingertips brush over my screen, I stare at a pair of black, leather shoes, so sleek and stylish, while I work on lowering my heart rate. Though the shoes are unfamiliar, the scent of him isn’t. It’s a smell that causes my toes to curl delightfully—a smell that’s lulled me to sleep a million times and is unique to only one person.

  My Seth.

  He stuffs one hand into the pocket of his black slacks as I rake my eyes up a clean, pressed pair of black slacks, stopping only when I reach a polished silver belt buckle. He actually did it. He actually went through with the plan. I’ve never seen him in pants so elegant and restricting.

  Swallowing hard, I move my gawking eyes on to Seth’s black button up shirt. In typical Seth fashion, he’s rolled it up to his elbows, exposing his thick forearms. His attire alone is enough to make me clench every muscle south of my belly button.

  Finally, I move my stare to his face. The tiny rivers of honey in them flare as he smirks.


  A shiver teases my spine and heats my blood. My cool, calm response gives way to parted lips that expel nothing but hot, nervous air. I watch his mouth—his delectable, full-lipped mouth—and the only thoughts it conjures are ones I shouldn’t be thinking in a restaurant. They’re thoughts that urge me to skip on dinner, drop the acts, and go to our room.


  I want to go to our room so bad.

  Chapter Six


  Holy fuck.

  Standing up, Olivia grips her cell with knuckle-whitening pressure. Her dress clings to her alluring figure, the lace strips curving perfectly. The dress is new. I know because I can’t find a single memory of it filed away anywhere. I have a memory for every one of Olivia’s dresses, thanks to my inability to handle seeing her in one. There’s something about her exposed arms and legs, slim waist, large bust, and killer ass that just gets me. Team that with her innocent face, betrayed only by her telling green eyes, and there’s no hope for me. Most dresses make it, suffering only a minor tear or unavoidable stain, but his dress…I’m going to fucking destroy it.

  My stare rakes over dark hair that cascades over her shoulder, flowing smoothly like a chocolate fountain. Olivia always looks beautiful, but tonight, s
he’s knocked it out of the park. Her green eyes are bright and playful, her lips pink and glossed. Although she’s playing someone else, she still looks like my Olivia—the only woman I truly want.

  “It’s funny we’ve run into each other like this, actually,” she says, laughing under her breath.

  “It is?”

  She nods. “This is how we met the very first time—we ran into each other and I dropped my phone.”

  My heart triples in size at the thought. God. I love her so fucking much. My lips pull at the corners.

  “I remember you running into me.”

  She feigns annoyance and I bet pouting is difficult when she’s trying so hard not to smile. “I was busy texting. You didn’t have any distractions and I don’t recall you getting out of the way.”

  My smile broadens until it shows my teeth. “You were walking directly towards me. There was no way I was going to step out of the way. I wanted you to crash into me. What’d I say to you then?”

  She angles her head ever so slightly. “You asked if you got me wet.”

  I toss my head back and laugh. I don’t recall the conversation we had, but I remember her face—so beautiful and sweet. When I think back to that particular day, I remember glistening green eyes and burning cheeks, but can’t for the life of me remember what made her so uncomfortable. Now I know.

  “What’d you say?” I ask, curious to hear how it all panned out. It mustn’t have been good. I recall her storming from the gym.

  “I think I stuttered a little, then I asked you to repeat what you said.”

  I laugh again. “You asked me to repeat it? What for?”

  “Because I wasn’t sure what you meant…” Her pink cheeks darken in their hue. “And I liked the sound of your voice.”

  It all floods back to me—everything—and I grin because I’m the only one who knows what I truly meant. Olivia wanted me bad that day, but I just had to make sure. I recall her cheeks blushing unlike anything I’ve ever seen—a blazing red, dark enough to rival a sunset. I recall the stuttering and the way her chest heaved. As I look at her now, it’s like looking through a crystal ball into the past. The only thing that has changed is the look in her eyes. Back then, they glistened with embarrassment, frustration, lust, and a million other things. Tonight, they glow adoringly. They still burn bright with lust, but the emotion and the connection is there too.