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The Fortunates (Unfortunates #2) Page 18

  He falls into step beside me. “Spare me? Why on earth would you do that? Enjoy it, did you?”

  I reach the doors to the gentleman’s room.

  “Enjoyed it? Please. The only thing I enjoyed was pointing a gun at your face and pulling the trigger.”

  I grip the handle and he slaps my hand away. I hiss as I lock my stare with his.

  “You missed me.”

  “I won’t next time,” I promise, reaching for the handle again.

  Vince snatches my hand and stares at my ring. “You weren’t lying about the marriage after all.”

  I pull hard, but he doesn’t let me go. “Why would I lie about it?”

  “I’m sure you have your reasons. Who verified it?”

  “John Milano.” I tug against him. “Let me go.”

  Vince sneers. “Of course he did.”

  “You’re just mad because Kade and I are starting a family and we don’t want you to be a part of it.”

  He releases me and I stumble backwards, my fist slamming into the door. I hold it to my chest.

  “Maybe I already am a part of it.” He leans in close, mocking me as I straighten myself. “Maybe a little piece of me is already growing inside of you.”

  Blood drains from my face and bile bubbles in my stomach, burning my throat. I hadn’t even thought of that. When was my last mandatory birth control shot? Am I still covered? Now that it’s no longer mandatory, where do I get one?

  I’m paralysed by the horror, so much so I don’t register that John has opened the door to the gentleman’s room until he speaks.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  I jump, whipping my head toward the full room. I find Kade immediately. Oliver is in front of him, his hands braced against Kaden’s wide chest.

  “No,” Vince simpers, stuffing his hands into his black slacks. “Just talking to my sister-in-law and, quite possibly, my baby’s mam—”

  I slap him hard in the face and it echoes around the room. Heat sears over my palm as his head is tossed to the side.

  “You are insane,” I seethe, rubbing my hand against my dress.

  Vince licks his bottom lip and turns his angry eyes on me. His jaw ticks and his nostrils flare. “You’re going to regret that, Unfortunate.”

  I swallow hard and square my shoulders. “You don’t scare me.”

  It’s a lie, of course. Truth is, Vince is the scariest person I know. He’s unpredictable and crazy. There’s no telling what’s going through his head at any given moment.

  There is no one more terrifying than Vincent Sario.

  Chapter Twenty


  It was the slap that was heard around the manor, but it wasn’t the slap that put Kade on edge. It was what Vince said. Their little exchange was heard by everyone in the silent room. That was the way the large, mahogany room was designed. Sound could filter in, but not out. It aided the men in knowing when the women were coming to spoil the fun.

  Kade wanted nothing more than to tear Vince’s head from his body. Looking at his little brother made him sick to his stomach, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away. No. Each second his stare lingered on Vince’s warm, olive skin only fuelled his hatred more. He wanted to keep his promise to Anna. He wanted her to deal with Vince and get the closure she deserved, but not hanging him up by his toenail and beating the shit out of him was really taking its toll on Kade. He’d never wanted to spill someone’s blood so badly. In fact, he lay awake at night thinking about it. He fantasised about Vince’s execution a million and one different ways. He was certain Anna did too.

  Finally, Vince had successfully wormed his way into their relationship and planned on devouring it from the inside out. Like a snake, the easiest way to stop it from striking was to cut off its head, not torment it further.

  “See?” Oliver pointed out, lowering his hands. “John is handling it. Relax.”

  Kade breathed deeply, his chest expanding against Oliver’s firm hands. Without a glance in Kade’s direction, Vince stormed off, leaving Anna and John by the door. Fuck John. It was because of him that Vince was able to put his hands on Nine—Anna—in the first place.

  Clenching his jaw, Kade looked at Oliver. A face that was usually bared at him in hostility was now softened with…sympathy. Grunting, Kade whirled on his heel and kicked open the back doors that led to a private courtyard. The glass of whiskey in his hand spilled over the edges and wet his hand, but he didn’t care. All he could think about was Vince…and Anna…fucking. In his head, he always pictured her enjoying it—which was wrong, even he knew that. Still, the image was there, constantly being thrown to the front of his mind. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take it.

  …and the thought of his wife carrying his brother’s demonic spawn was…devastating.

  Kade lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sip as he looked over the small stone wall and admired the faint orange glow lining the base of the inky sky. How could he start a war for mankind when he could barely keep on top of the war raging within his family? He was incapable. That he knew for sure.

  Unexpectedly, she slipped her small, soft hand into his and his fingers twitched against hers. Touching his forearm, she threaded their fingers together. He swallowed hard and glanced down to her bare feet that her flowy, blue dress exposed as it blew softly in the breeze. Anna lifted herself onto the tips of her toes, bringing her face closer to his.

  “It’s all right,” she whispered into his ear, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

  Was it? His heart pounded painfully in his chest. It wasn’t all right. He wasn’t sure when it’d ever be all right. Anna slipped in front of him, resting against the courtyard wall. Kade lowered his stare to hers and the concern on her face was heartbreaking. She looked beautiful with her eyes subtly lined with kohl. She was beautiful without it too.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He cringed. He preferred not to verbally discuss his craving for murder with her. It usually ended in a fight.

  “What he said was…” Kade chewed his bottom lip. “The possibility of it…”

  Anna rolled her violet eyes. “Forget what he said. It’s scare tactics. We have a war to focus on.”

  Kade hadn’t thought much about the repercussions of sex since they got together. When she was an Unfortunate, she was protected against it, but when did that protection end? How long did each shot last? These were things he should know. More importantly, given the amount of sex they’d had recently—and the one depraved act from his brother—the chances of conceiving a child had to be high. What if she was in the early stages? Should he take her to the medic for a blood test and ultrasound just to be sure? When could he find out if it was his or not? And the most important question of all…what would he do if it wasn’t his?

  “Maybe war isn’t such a good idea,” he said, shifting forward to place his glass of whiskey on the stone wall.

  Anna scowled at him. “Are you kidding?”

  “On the off chance that you are—”

  Unthreading her hand from his, she shoved him in the stomach. “Kaden, no. That is just absurd. I’m not, and even if I was, it has nothing to do with Vince.”

  “But it could.”

  “It doesn’t,” she insisted, her voice shaking. “The universe wouldn’t do that to me. Not after everything it has already put me through.”

  But the universe would do that to him. He deserved it.

  Kade reached out and touched her arm, sliding the palm of his hand up her bicep. He was being irrational, but he didn’t realise how deep his fear of Vince ran until tonight. He was psychotic. Plain and simple. If, touch-fucking-wood, there was a baby and it was Vincent’s…there’s no telling the lengths he would go to take it.

  “Stop thinking so much,” Anna said, pulling him from his thoughts. She pressed his glass of whiskey against his chest, her eyebrows pulling into a scowl. “We have work to do.”


  The group decided to laun
ch their initial attack in three weeks’ time. The way Oliver described it was less like a rebellion and more like a fun run in case anyone was eavesdropping. He was honest, at least, letting everyone know that some wouldn’t make it. Anna chimed in at the end, informing those present that not everyone would get their hands on “refreshments” (a.k.a. guns) and that there would be a few undisclosed “checkpoints” between the town and the camp. With a long, slender finger she silently pointed out the three weapon stashes on the map along the way.

  “Remember,” she announced. “If you’re going to share this information with anyone else, be sure to include the date, time, and the oh-so-important checkpoint locations. One last thing, our event is discreet.” She lowered her voice. “If you’re stupid enough to get caught talking about it, keep your mouth shut. If you’re lucky, we’ll come back for you.”

  As she turned her back, the room erupted with murmurs and whispers. All Kade could do was stare at her squared shoulders as she tugged down the map and folded it in her hands. What she said was extremely out of character.

  He waited until the room had gone back to its previous mode before he approached her. Unfortunates circulated with refreshments and John continued with his game of Empire against Oliver while another handful of male Fortunates watched. With a hearty laugh, John moved his large gold Fortunate piece in the direction of Oliver’s small silver Unfortunate. Oliver cursed, raking his finger through his blond hair as John pushed the crouching Unfortunate over, taking its square.

  Empire was an expanded version of the Old World’s chess. When the world ended, the original families took over a lot of Old World pastimes and reworked them so they fitted in to a New World society. No one really knew what chess was…but Kade did. In fact, his father had an original set in his bedroom, encased in glass. The king was his favourite piece, followed closely by the rook. His father laughed when Kade confessed the king was his favourite. Michael saw the King as weak and, in retrospect, Kade guessed he was. There was beauty in the battle as each piece fought to protect their king. He couldn’t move as many spaces as the other pieces and the moment he was cornered it was game over, but there was a certain desperation about the king, how he’d carry the game long after every piece was captured. That appealed to Kade.

  Kade approached Anna from behind. When he was within arm’s reach, he swept her hair off the back of her neck. Her body stiffened at his touch. He planted a kiss on the part of her neck that sloped into her shoulder.

  “I’m ready for bed, if you are,” he whispered, setting his glass of whiskey on a tray as an Unfortunate swooped by.

  Anna lowered her head and folded the rest of the map. Exhaling, she turned around and looked him in the eye. She was mad and he knew why.

  “I’m not ready for bed,” she stated, handing him the map.

  He took it from her hands and slipped it into his deep, jacket pocket with a shrug. “All right. So we stay.”

  Her violet eyes thinned out and she pinned him with a scowl. “Why don’t you go to bed. You don’t need me to tuck you in.”

  Sassy. There was no way he’d leave without her. He’d sooner part with his legs. Kade extended his elbow. “On the contrary. I sleep better when you tuck me in.”

  Anna’s eyes softened, a twitch pulling at the corners of her lips. Progressively, she slipped her hand around his elbow and when he smiled at her, she bit hers back and a beautiful flare of pink erupted in her cheeks.

  She shook her head, looking away from him. “Stop it. I’m mad at you.”

  “Be mad at me tomorrow. Tonight we’re happy.”


  His heart leaped into his throat. He moved without thought, wrapping his body around his wife as people screamed and dipped low. The manor fell silent and Kade exchanged nervous glances with everyone in the room. Were they caught? Was it game over?

  “Was that a—”

  “Gun.” He nodded, seemingly breathless. “Yeah.”

  Kade waited in the silence, expecting moderators to storm the room and hold them all at gunpoint. They didn’t. Instead, one by one, the Fortunates in the room stood up straight as something outside of the door piqued their interest. Unfortunates remained in their positions, keeping to themselves like they always did.

  “Did that get your attention?” Vince shouted, his haunting voice cutting through the air. “Helloo? It’s like I’m talking to myself out here.”

  “Vince?” Gasping, Anna dug her fingers into his arm. “He’s crazy.”

  Kade wondered how long it took for her to figure that one out. Since Michael’s death, Vince had been slowly but surely spiralling out of control. There was no one to keep him in check, no one he feared like he feared Michael.

  Until now.

  Enough was enough.

  Kade let go of Anna and watched as John Milano pushed his way toward the door, where the gentleman’s room met the foyer. He glanced over his shoulder at Kaden and even though he was fifteen metres away, Kade could see John’s concern. Pulling Anna to her feet, Kade demanded she go upstairs and wait for him.

  “Without you?” she asked, snagging his arm as he attempted to step away. “No.”

  Growling, he tucked her behind his back and squeezed his way to the foyer. As Kade stepped out from behind the door, he came face to face with Vince.

  Vince grinned wickedly, causing blood to trickle from the deep scratches that sliced across his cheekbone. “Ah, there you are.” He waved his gun, beckoning him forward. “Come, look.”

  The overdressed Fortunates in front of him parted, exposing the crying Unfortunate at Vince’s feet.


  She held her face in her hands while she sobbed and Kade visibly flinched at the sight of her slender shoulders as they shook with fear and pain. His heart sped up in its tempo, pounding faster than it ever has.

  “Portia…” Anna gasped as she stepped out from behind him.

  Kade tried to block her way, but she forced herself in front of him and marched into the circle. Vince lifted his gun and pointed it at Anna’s face. His muscles clenched. And she called Vince crazy?

  “Look who it is. The defender of scum.”

  Kade snapped forward, snatching Anna’s wrist in his hand. She tried to shrug him off, but he wouldn’t let her go.

  “You have no right,” she shouted, giving up her fight to shake him off.

  “No right?” Vince turned the handgun on himself, pointing it at his cheek. “Have you seen my face? She put her filthy, Unfortunate hands on me.”

  “I’d bet my life you put yours on her first.”

  He shrugs, adjusting his black two-button jacket. “Details.”

  Portia peered up from her hands and her swollen eyes twisted his heart. Her warm, umber cheeks were wet with tears. How could Vince be so cruel? So…defective? Portia was the reason their bellies were filled with food whenever their father went away. She organised and catered every meal at every party and even oversaw the kitchens at the other houses when large events were hosted. Did he love anyone? Anything? Did he not know attachment? Would he kill his own mother if he was given the chance?

  “Vince, please,” Anna urged, her voice shaking with emotion. “I’m begging you…”

  He flipped his gun and pointed the handle at Anna. “Kill her.”

  “How much have you had to drink, Vincent?” John asked, his voice booming around his large foyer. He squeezed into the space beside Kade, worry and contempt etched into his hard features. “I think it’s time for you to go home, son.”

  Vince shook his head, raking his hand through his hair. “I’m having way too much fun.”

  On Kade’s left, Oliver pushed his way through the crowd, stopping in horror when he saw Portia on the floor. Kade watched him. He watched the way Oliver’s face flickered through all different kinds of emotions and then he looked at Portia, who stared back at Oliver, her eyes soft and content.

  Them? A couple? How long had that gone on?

  Surrendering, Oliver
lowered his head. Kade frowned. How could he give up? Kade loved Anna so much that his heart would never let him throw in the towel. She’d die while Kade tried to save her, and he’d follow shortly after.

  “I told you to kill her.”

  Grunting, she snapped her hand forward and successfully freed it from Kade’s grip. “Why don’t you make me?”

  “Anna,” Kade hissed and she ignored him while Vince cackled menacingly.

  “Why don’t I make you? Well, aren’t you tough?”

  “Tough? No. I’m terrified.” Over her shoulder, she glared at Oliver, John, Kade, and around the rest of the room too. “But since no one else is going to open their mouths and stand up for what’s right then I’m left with no choice.”

  All hints of humour disappeared from Vince’s features. His jaw tightened on and off repeatedly, until he said: “I told you to kill her.”

  “I’d much rather kill you.”

  Collective gasps echoed around the room and Kade was sure his was amongst them. After that, Fortunates began to leave, murmuring nervously between each other. This wasn’t fun for them anymore. Those who were more sensitive to life and death left with uncomfortable expressions on their faces, and those who were wired more like Vince stayed for the inevitable bloodshed.

  Eventually, Vince sighed and smiled at Kade. He pointed the handle of the gun in his direction. “You’ll kill her, won’t you, brother?”

  Anna’s shoulders dropped with a flinch. She believed he’d do it. He did it last time. He shot an Unfortunate in the head so she didn’t have to…but he wasn’t that man anymore.

  “You hand me that gun and it’s not Portia’s head I’m burying the bullet in.”

  Anna relaxed, Portia sobbed, and Vince grimaced. “You care for the Unfortunate?”

  The Unfortunate? After all this time, Portia was still “the Unfortunate?”

  “Portia has been our kitchen hand for as long as I can remember. She is an integral part of our system. Without her, it collapses.”

  Vince laughed once, turning the gun around and holding it by its handle. “Integral? Collapses? I can make my own fucking sandwiches.”