The Fortunates (Unfortunates #2) Page 15
Snorting, he pushes on my other strap, exposing the full tops of my bare breasts. “You don’t have to give me anything. I’m more of a taker.”
“You’re a fu—”
The hard barrel of his gun against the back of my head stops the insult in my throat.
“Ah-ah. I’d watch myself if I was you.”
Tears well in my eyes and I squeeze my tongue against the roof of my mouth. He orders me to turn around and I do as I’m told. I keep my stare downcast to his white sneakers, unable to find the courage to make eye contact. I can’t. I don’t want to acknowledge him…or my foolish mistake.
“Christ. You do have a nice pair of tits on you, don’t you?”
I snap my stare to his and scowl. “Do you honestly think you can hurt me this way?”
“This isn’t about hurting you. When will you get that through your thick skull? This was never about hurting you. You’re going to take whatever I dish out like a good little Unfortunate, I have no doubt about that. You, of course, will recover, but Kaden?” Vince smiles cruelly. “It will destroy him.”
The tears that well in my eyes roll over and drip onto my cheeks. “Don’t do this to him. He’s your brother.”
Ignoring me, Vince reaches for my breast. Every muscle in my body tightens as he brushes my auburn hair out of the way and plucks a piece of my heart from the fold of fabric I tucked it in. I watch as he pinches my engagement ring between his thumb and index finger and analyses it in disgust.
“Well, isn’t this pretty.”
“Give it back.” I snap forward and he pulls the ring back, lifting his gun and levelling it with my face.
I force myself to settle. “Please, don’t lose it…”
Vince backs up, moving toward the bar. His baggy black slacks hang over his shoes and his white tee is two sizes too big. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so casual…which begs the question, how long was he sitting here waiting for me and how did he know I would come?
“So Kade wasn’t lying. He actually does plan on marrying you,” Vince states, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, the gun still pointed at my face.
Will he shoot me if I tell him it’s already done? That I’m a Sario by marriage? “There’s no stopping that now, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Is that so?”
He drops my ring into his glass and swirls the cup in his hand. I frown, confused, as he watches it dance in the golden liquid.
And then he tips it down his throat, swallowing everything. Even my ring.
My heart clenches and I cover my mouth with my hand. “Why would you do that?”
My voice quakes and I hate it. I hate that he’s succeeding at shaking me to my core.
“It’s a symbol. Don’t you get it?” He puts his gun on the bar. “I will devour everything you love. You, your soul, your marriage, your children, your life, and I won’t stop until Kade sees the monster he created.”
“What did he do to you?” I demand, slipping the straps of my dress back into place. “What did he do to make you hate him so much?”
I jump as a loud snarl rips from Vince and bounces around the room. He grabs the neck of the bottle of whiskey and launches it across the room. It shatters against the wall by the bed and falls to the ground, drenching everything in its immediate perimeter. I purse my trembling lips shut, trying desperately to ignore the rapid pulse of my heart as it thrums in my ears.
“It’s not what he did. It’s what he didn’t do!” Vince snaps, raking ten angry fingers through his messy, black hair. “He spent most of his childhood locked in a shed, leaving me to finish what he never could. He couldn’t kill a woman? I had to do it. He couldn’t fuck the crying kitchen maid? I had to do it! He couldn’t rip newborns from their mother’s breast? I had to do it! Me!”
I cringe as a painful, unwanted bout of sympathy washes through me. “Vince…”
He snaps forward, abandoning his gun on the bar. “You think I liked doing that? Do you think I relished in murder and rape as a fucking teenager? No. While my friends played I was dragged away to finish what Kaden couldn’t.”
“And you did it,” I say, reminding myself that he needs to be held accountable for his actions as an adult.
We all have things in our past we’re not proud of—even me. The difference is, I don’t let my sins define who I am deep down. Did I assist Kade in murdering his father? Yes. Do I go around murdering people now that I’ve done it once? No. Vince has had every opportunity not to let bitterness seize his heart.
But he did…and now he’s lost to it. He’s consumed by it. Nothing short of destroying his brother will satisfy him.
“Yeah, I did it.”
“Because every single time I was forced into a situation I didn’t want to be in I expected my big brother to come and save me. I expected him to defend me like he defends himself…to stop me before it was too late…but he never showed up and I took every slice of anger I felt out on the Unfortunates at my feet.” He swipes at his face. “And then you came along—a worthless Unfortunate—and he dropped everything. He was there to save you from every fucked up situation you put yourself in.”
I step closer. “I’m sure he wanted to. I’m sure he tried to.”
“You don’t know shit.” Vince laughs, swallowing his anger. “Then our father turns around and gives Kade everything. Why? Because he’s older. Because he was the apple of my father’s eye despite Kaden’s weaknesses and my sacrifices.”
Vincent closes the distance between us and it takes all of my strength not to back away as the aroma of whiskey wafts in my direction.
“You can have everything. Kaden doesn’t want it.”
He rolls his eyes, then narrows them at me. “He doesn’t want it? He really does have you fooled, doesn’t he?”
Vince takes another step and intrudes in my personal bubble. I hold up my hands, flashing him my palms as I take a step back. “H-he’s a changed man.”
“Oh, but he isn’t.” Sneering, he snatches my wrists in his large hands and tugs me close.
In a panic, my nerves tie themselves into knots, but I go with it, allowing him to feel superior in hopes of him letting me go. Sweat bubbles down the back of my neck as a hot flash flickers over me, making the juices in my stomach boil.
“You were there. You saw him shoot that Unfortunate right between the eyes,” he says, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“You didn’t give him a choice.” I lean away, but he tugs me close, squashing my chest against his.
“Didn’t I?”
I shake my head. “No. I didn’t.”
“Look at you, defending a murderer.”
Vince lowers his face to mine and I turn my head. “He’s not—”
“Where is he right now?” He cuts in, squeezing my wrists.
I swallow hard, closing my eyes. This is a dream. This has to be a dream.
“He’s blowing a handful of Unfortunates into tiny, tiny pieces.”
I open my eyes. “How do you know that?”
“He received a letter from the city. They ordered him to take care of the situation,” Vince scoffs. “Please, they’re useless. Whoever is in there, they don’t care about us or what’s going on outside those walls.”
I look at him. “You typed the letter?”
“Something had to be done. I’m not about to let a bunch of ungrateful Unfortunates squat in my mine. Dad wanted that mine gone and Kade didn’t have the balls to do it so I forced his hand.” I turn my head away and he catches my jaw in his hand, forcing my face back to his. “It’s funny how it all fell into place. I didn’t think he’d go, to be honest, but when Gage called and told me he’d just let Kade out of the fence, I couldn’t believe it. And I knew it was only a matter of time before you came looking for him. You’re so damn predictable. It makes me sick.”
I simper. “I make you sick? Isn’t that ironic.”
“You think you’re so high and mighty, Unfortunate,
but you’re just as bad as the rest of us. You endorse a murderer. You allow him to kill on your behalf.” I tug my face away from his grip only for him to snatch it again. Pain creeps along my jaw and I wince as he squeezes it tightly in his hand. “Take a good look at your knight in shining armour, Anna, and allow yourself to see the cracks.”
“He’s not perfect,” I force out through clenched teeth. “But he has always been there for me. Always.”
Vince tips his head and pouts his lips. Wickedness dances in his eyes as they darken into dense, black holes. “Not tonight.”
He crushes his mouth against mine and lessens his grip just enough for him to force his tongue inside my mouth. It’s warm and wet and it carries the taste of whiskey. I grunt and bite down, catching his tongue between my teeth. He hisses, sucking in a harsh gulp of air, and shoves me backwards. His tongue slips from my mouth and I stumble as I whirl on my heel.
Adrenaline and fear dance on the lining of my stomach, giving me the boost I need to launch for the door. I make it too. My fingers brush the key in the keyhole and I can taste freedom on my tongue…until I’m yanked back by my hair. I yell for help, but it’s smothered by a thud as I crash to the floor.
Vince chuckles as he bends low and grabs me by the fabric of my dress. “That attempt wasn’t half bad, Unfortunate.”
“Leave me alone!” I screech until my vocal chords threaten to tear.
I frantically swat at his hands as he fumbles with his grip.
“You’ve had enough already?” he teases, snagging my dress once again. “I’ve barely started.”
He lifts me off of the floor and into his arms. I scream again, sending fire shooting up my throat, and thrash around in an attempt to break his hold.
I don’t.
He crosses the room with ease and even I have to admit he’s stronger than I’ve given him credit for. Vince throws me onto the bed and I scramble onto my hands and knees and crawl toward the headboard.
“You know, for someone who was bred specifically for this, you’re being awfully dramatic.”
I turn and press my back against the wooden board, tucking my knees into my chest. I don’t bother swiping at the hair that sticks to my wet face. All I can think about is getting off the bed and over to the gun on the bar.
Unwanted sobs bubble up my throat and I hate them. Now is not the time to panic. Now is not the time for an emotional breakdown. That comes later.
Staring down his nose at me, Vince grips the hem of his shirt and pulls it off over his head. He smirks when he sees me glaring at his fit, lean body.
He repulses me. Everything about his clean, shaped torso makes me sick.
Because it’s the body of my enemy…not the body of the man I love so desperately. My husband.
“Do you like what you see?” he asks, walking around to the side of the bed.
I shuffle over, keeping enough distance between us. “You’re not your brother, that’s for sure.”
He takes delight in my insult. It curves his lips. “Oh, I am so much more than my brother. I’ll show you.”
“I’ll pass.”
Growling, he dives onto the bed. I throw myself over the edge, squealing like a terrified child. I slam into the ground, hip first, and clamber to get to my feet. Why hasn’t anyone heard my screams? Why isn’t anyone helping me?
I make it to my feet only to be tugged back by the hem of my dress.
“Do you feel it?” Vince laughs, pulling me back against his chest. “That twinge of impending doom. That imposing helplessness because deep down you know no one is coming for you.”
He turns me around, stopping when my knees touch the mattress. Grunting, he bends me over the edge of the bed and pushes my dress up over the curve of my backside. I wriggle and scream, scream and wriggle, but it’s futile. He catches my wrists and pins them behind my back.
“Do you know how badly I want to punch you in your pretty little mouth for fighting me? Hm?” Vince tells me, bending over me to whisper in my ear. “I want to shave your head. I want to shoot you in the knee and kick you until every bone in your body is in tiny little pieces.”
I sob into the blanket. “So do it! Do that instead and leave me alone.”
Vince humphs. “Kade would know exactly what I’ve done then. There’s no fun in giving away the surprise.” He licks the lobe of my ear and I shudder. “I’d rather you tell him what we did. I want you to witness the heartbreak on his face and then tell me all about it.”
I squeak as he kicks my ankles with his hard, leather shoes, spreading my legs.
“Vince!” I shout, my tears burning over the bridge of my nose and soaking the blanket beneath me. “Please! Don’t!”
Shushing me, he drops his elbow against my back and fiddles with his zipper. I choke as he presses the tip of his penis against my entrance. Adjusting his posture, he clenches my wrists in his hands and slams into me, making me cry out. I wince as it burns and pinches. He forces his way in without any moisture to help it slide. I beg him to stop, but it falls on deaf ears. He keeps going, stabbing into me with excessive force…ruining everything with each relentless thrust.
“Don’t look so sad, Unfortunate. It could have been so much worse and you know it.”
Rolling over, I turn my back to him. My tears dried up ten minutes ago. My sobbing stopped. He turned my regret into rage with every painful thrust of his hips. My body trembles for a different reason now.
It swirls in my blood, filling me with a burning desire to spill his. I glance over my shoulder as he pulls his pants up and reaches for the zipper. Without a second thought, I leap from the bed and rush the bar. I grimace as I grab the heavy gun and feel the slippery remnants between my thighs left by Vince. With two hands, I hold the gun up, pointing it directly at his head. Adrenaline flows through my body at the weight of the metal in my hands. It flows up my arms and gathers in my chest. For once, I have the power.
Vince peers over his shoulder and his eyes thin out when he sees the gun. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“You think you win?” I rub my face against my arm and take a shaky step forward. “You don’t win. I win!”
He has the audacity to smirk at me. “And how do you figure that?”
“Because despite everything you just did I will still have your brother’s love. Your efforts will be wasted.”
Isn’t he afraid? Isn’t he scared that I’ll shoot him dead? Tears try to seep out of my ducts and I bite my lip as they tremble. I don’t want to be scared. I want to kill him.
He moves forward and kneels on the bed. “You don’t sound so sure.”
“I am.”
Vince shuffles forward and I pull the trigger. The gun kicks back, shooting vibrations up my arms, and I almost drop it.
Unfortunately, I miss him. The bullet enters the wall somewhere behind him. Still, he ducks, pushing his fingers through his hair. “Are you crazy?” he shouts, staying low.
“You think I’m pathetic and I’m going to prove you wrong.” I walk cautiously toward the door, uncaring that my breast is exposed or that my dress is ripped and covered in God only knows what.
I should plant a bullet between his eyes, but I don’t. I want him to see the world as I pull it out from underneath his feet and turn it against him. I want him to be alive long enough to be crushed underneath the heel of the people he’s hurt.
“Take a long, hard look at me, Vincent Sario. This is last time you’ll see me so weak.” When I reach the door, I turn the key and then the handle. “And by the way, Kade and I married yesterday.”
I open the door and run. He shouts after me, but I can’t hear him over the pounding headache between my ears. Clasping the gun to my chest, I pump my legs as hard as I can and I don’t stop. Not until I’m back in my room.
Chapter Seventeen
He swiped the palm of his hands down the front o
f his shirt as he re-entered Freeport. The job was done. The mine that had caused him so much grief no longer existed. He went in, he planted the bombs…and he told the Unfortunates to grab what they could and to stick it out for seven sunsets. After the seventh sunset, they were to trek east and regroup in the cave by the seaside cliff where Kade would meet them and, hopefully, offer them better living arrangements. He wasn’t sure how, but if everyone thought them dead, no one would search for them.
Nine was going to be happy to hear that and he hoped it made up for abandoning her in bed and not telling her about the mine. It was a terrible way to start their first day of marriage, but he didn’t have a choice. He knew she would never let him leave otherwise.
Kade shut his eyes as he stalked along the footpath lining the manors. He was tired and his muscles ached from all of the hiking he’d done. As he pushed through shrub after shrub, he wondered why the town was still locked behind a barbaric fence. Everything outside it seemed to be in order.
He ran his dirty fingers through his hair and opened his eyes. All he wanted to do was soak in a deep, hot bath and sleep away the rest of the day. Exhaling, he lifted his gaze from his filthy, mud-packed shoes and onto—Nine?
He froze as his heart clenched and dropped into his shoes. She tucked a lock of lovely auburn hair behind her ear with nervous fingers. How long had she been standing there? Was she mad? Kade frowned as she chewed on the inside of her lip and moved her fingers anxiously at her sides. Was she mad? He couldn’t tell. She both furrowed and smoothed her brow and that made analysing her mood impossible. Whatever she was feeling, it wasn’t good. That much was clear.
“I didn’t have a choice,” Kade called out, letting his bag slide off of his shoulder and drop to the ground.
He wanted to say he was sorry, but that was hardly honest. He saved the lives of those Unfortunates by leaving unannounced and he couldn’t apologise for that.
Nine started forward, her bare feet slapping the pavement as she walked. He stayed put, buying himself some more time for his explanation. Truth was, he hadn’t thought it out as extensively as he would have liked.